Download The Sentinels by Xavier Dorison and Enrique Breccia (.CBR)

The Sentinels by Xavier Dorison and Enrique Breccia
Requirements: CBR Reader, 620 MB.
Overview: Because they needed to surpass human abilities, science made them: The Sentinels.

    In 1911, during the French intervention in Morocco, a secret section of the army, the ‘Sentinels’ division, tests its new weapon: Iron-Hewer, a soldier who has been grafted with metal limbs. Invulnerable to bullets, ripping through the barbed wire like paper, this steel soldier seems indestructible … Until he stops dead in the middle of combat. His batteries are flat!

    In 1914, inspired by the work of Pierre and Marie Curie, Gabriel Feraud, a young scientist, designs the radium battery. Colonel Mirreau then sees the potential of using such an energy source with his Iron-Hewer … But Feraud, an anti-militarist, refuses … War is declared, Feraud is mobilized. On the 8th August 1914, he is hit by a German shell and loses all his limbs. Lying in a hospital, Mirreau makes him a proposal: give the radium battery to Dr. Kropp, the ‘creator’ of the Sentinels, and become the new Iron-Hewer…

    Based in history, this ‘retro science-fiction’ album with sharp, modern colours, gives birth, for the first time to a French super-hero: Iron-Hewer.

Genre: Comics, Action-Hero, Sci-Fi, Scanlation.


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The Sentinels

    Xavier Dorison story, writer
    Enrique Breccia arts, pencil, colors
    Stevan Roudaut letterer
    Published by Delcourt, 2008-2011.
    Scanlation Team by phillywilly, 2014.

Download Instructions: — The Sentinels 01 July-August 1914-The Iron Harvest (2008) — The Sentinels 02 September 1914-The Marne (2009) — The Sentinels 03 April 1915-Ypres (2011) — The Sentinels 04 April 1915-The Dardanelles (2014) New!


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