Download The Secretary by Julia Monet (.ePUB)

The Secretary by Julia Monet
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 365 kB
Overview: The Secretary is a steamy office romance, between a grumpy boss and his confident assistant, this book is a standalone and there are no cliffhangers. Also, a promise of a heartwarming happily-ever-after.

A new start in the whirlwind of New York City – that’s what I needed. Why, you might wonder? My past in Seattle is like a bad breakup – it’s better left behind. But I don’t wanna talk about that… So here I am! However, I’m not just any newcomer to the Big Apple; I come with a blend of wit, grit, and just enough optimism to navigate this concrete jungle. (I think?)
In this city of endless opportunities, I find myself as the secretary to none other than John Wright, a name that rings bells for all the wrong reasons in New York’s high society. They say he’s one of the most egocentric men around – perfect, I’ve always liked a challenge.

This job? It’s not just about managing schedules and coffee orders. It’s about proving I can handle anything New York throws at me, including a boss who’s as infamous as the city itself. But hey, if you can make it here, you can make it anywhere, right?

Before I know it, the sparks flying between us in the office turn into something more, something I never saw coming. There I am, breaking my one cardinal rule – never fall for the boss, especially not one as unpredictable as John Wright.

The stakes in this game are sky-high, and a man like John doesn’t play by the rules. Could this gamble cost me everything?
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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