Download The Secret Lives of Bodyguards by Joey Mayble (.ePUB)

The Secret Lives of Bodyguards by Joey Mayble (Gay Awakenings Book 3)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 273 kb
Overview: Archer Macleod never grew up. He spends his days burning through his father’s money and partying like he’s still a freshman in college. But his father is fed up with the party-boy lifestyle and, in an attempt to curb his recklessness, hires a live-in bodyguard to look after him 24/7.

Enter Barrett Stacklin. A seasoned bodyguard with hard muscles and an even harder personality. His disciplined and rigid attitude directly opposes Archer’s love for freedom and fun. It’s hate at first sight. And Archer makes Barrett’s life a living hell, hoping it will chase him away. Unfortunately for Archer, Barrett is just as stubborn as he is.

When one crazy night at the club leads to Archer being sentenced to house arrest, he and Barrett are forced to spend more time together whether they like it or not. The friction between them increases. But, of course, friction generates heat. And as it turns out, there’s a fine line between hate and hunger.

Will Archer and Barrett make it through house arrest with their sanity and hearts still intact?
Genre: Fiction > Romance MM


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