Download The Second Stranger by J.P. Tompkins (.ePUB)

The Second Stranger by J.P. Tompkins
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 334 KB
Overview: A friend’s death reveals a shocking act of deception and betrayal.

Kate Downey witnessed a horrifying crime at the age of thirteen and her story helped solve the case. Now, fifteen years later and driven by a fascination with crime, she’s a reporter covering a story that could make her career or tear her life apart.

Kate has become consumed by a string of murders, obsessed with getting into a killer’s mind, and it’s taking a toll on her life. Digging into the victims’ lives, she’s desperate to discover a common link and find a suspect, while also dealing with her own painful past and unhealed wounds.

When the next victim is found, it’s too close to home to be coincidence. Kate is convinced the killer is taunting her. As the disturbing truth emerges, nothing is as it seems and anyone could be a suspect. Do you ever really know anyone? Can you ever fully trust someone?
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller


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