Download The Screaming Skull by Rick Ferguson (.ePUB)

The Screaming Skull by Rick Ferguson (The Chronicles of Elberon #1)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader, 1.0 MB
Overview: Low-level adventurer Elberon of the Isles has a problem. Through a chance encounter with a mysterious woman, he’s come into possession of a horned skull that keeps screaming at him—and whenever it screams, it summons hordes of monsters to kill him. Even worse, this screaming skull may in fact be the very skull of the Deathless One, the dark wizard who last appeared five hundred years ago to conquer the Free Kingdoms. Can Elberon and his friends learn the secret of the Screaming Skull before the evil forces arrayed against them can kill him dead? And more importantly, where can a simple fighter get a stiff drink around here?
Genre: Fantasy


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