Download The Secrets of Giantskarl Mountain Series by Andrew Karevik (.ePUB)

The Secrets of Giantskarl Mountain Series (#1-4) by Andrew Karevik
Requirements: .ePUB Reader | 3.6 MB
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy

The Runesmith’s Trials: A LitRPG Fantasy Adventure (The Secrets of Giantskarl Mountain Book 1)
This is it, the day I take over my father’s adventuring shop!
Set at the base of Gianskarl mountain, where lies a vast and mysterious dungeon, this is the perfect spot, as many adventurers come to try their hand at the Karl in the hopes of hitting it big. And it’s up to me now to sell them the equipment they’ll need to face the dangers that await them.
But where my father was content selling trinkets for a pittance, I want to turn this modest shop into the industry leader. Heck, I want to make a fortune out of it so I can help grow my poor village, Karlton, into a thriving city and accomplish my dream of building New Valley.
To help me in this endeavor, I can count on my skills as a Level 1 Runesmith. My plan is simple enough: inscribe the items I sell with various enchantments, to improve their stats and command higher prices. There’s just one tiny little problem. See, my shelves are pretty much empty. I have no inventory and I also miss the scrive I would need to create the runes in the first place. To add insult to injury, that scrive ought to be fashioned from a magical beast’s body parts; the more magical, the better. And I just happen to know exactly where to get such a rare find. In the boneyard of Giants, resting within the dungeon.
Yep, seems like the only way for me to kick start my new venture is to delve into that death trap, in search of items to sell and the magical bone for my scrive. But there’s a reason no one from our village dares to enter the foreboding place. As I’ll soon find out, the Karl is home to all manner of strange creatures and spirits that will not hesitate one second to turn you into their next lunch. One thing is certain, I will need all the skills I learned as an apprentice Runesmith to succeed in my mission and come back alive.
But hey, who said the life of a shopkeeper was a peaceful and uneventful one?

The Runesmith’s Trials 2: A LitRPG Fantasy Adventure (The Secrets of Giantskarl Mountain)
I did it. It took a lot of sweat and coin, but I managed to bring the Karl back to a functioning dungeon. With my adventuring shop running in full swing, now’s the time for the second part of my plan: building New Valley.
All that’s left for me to do is wait for the lumber I ordered to arrive so I can stake the land, start expanding and… What? What did you say? My cargo’s been stolen?
As I start investigating the incident, it becomes increasingly clear that someone’s been sabotaging my efforts on purpose… and that someone takes advantage I’m away to claim every last parcel of land in New Valley! I try to negotiate with him but that ruthless competitor will stop at nothing to take everything I’ve worked so hard for.
Follow me as I go out into the world looking for a way to stay in the game and, in the process, summon spirits, broaden my repertoire of runes and delve into new dangerous parts of the dungeon.
Follow me for the Runesmith’s Trials, book two!

The Runesmith’s Trials 3: A LitRPG Fantasy Adventure (The Secrets of Giantskarl Mountain)
Henshaw Tarley has been subdued and New Valley is now all mine to develop!
My plans are clear. First, I need to secure alchemical ingredients for Cynthia, my resident alchemist, so we can start making and selling potions. Secondly, I must find a wand maker to broaden the range of items we offer in the shop. Then, there’s the issue of that Magical Tattoo Parlor I want to set up… For that, I will need someone to teach me the basics of tattooing, so I can gain a rank or two and make full use of my new ability.
But it seems I can’t stay out of trouble long enough to make headway. I’m not even back from my trip to Rence that I’m thrown into some fairy lands and get stranded. I’ll soon discover that the Giantskarl is not the only dungeon in my neck of the woods, and that I will have to put everything on the line to get out of there in one piece.
But so is the life I chose, and I will do whatever it takes to build my Merchant Empire!
Join me for The Runesmith’s Trials, book 3!

The Runesmith’s Trials 4: A LitRPG Fantasy Adventure (The Secrets of Giantskarl Mountain)
My end goal’s been the same from day one, and that is to build my Merchant Empire. But although I’ve now become the new Governor of Karlton—a position I had to accept in order to appease the King and keep Lord Reinley in power—unfortunately, that did nothing to advance my plans.
What I need is to unlock the Merchant Class, but the requirements are steep to say the least. If I do have the infrastructure needed, as well as the levels, I’m far from generating enough revenue to qualify. And that’s a bummer because I’m currently sitting on a good chunk of XP that I saved for after I’ve gained my new class.
So I guess I’ll just have to do what I do best: look for new business opportunities. If my shop, Adventure Awaits, isn’t getting enough visitors, I’ll bring my wares to them!
Join me as I open up new trade routes with nearby cities and search to add a wand wing to my store. Join me as I keep expanding the influence of House Landon, in a journey that will lead me to a strange floating city plunged into a civil war, and back into the Karl where a mysterious well might spell the end for all of us down in New Valley. But you know me, where there’s danger, there’s opportunity, right?

Download Instructions: (Links updated on 17th December 2023. Thanks to Jin226)

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