Download The Roswell Deception by Bob Aronson (.ePUB)

The Roswell Deception by Bob Aronson
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 685 KB
Overview: The future of mankind is a billion years ago. If the secrets contained in two spaceships can be unlocked mankind will take a giant leap from the 21st to the 26th century.
An asteroid some seven miles wide from thousands of light years away is headed toward earth. But — this is not your run-of-the-mill asteroid headed for earth book. Yes, there’s an asteroid, and it’s even bigger than the one that killed the dinosaurs but that’s where the similarity between this novel and others ends.
In 1947 no one knows the asteroid is on the way but asteroids are top of mind for Dr. Debra Stryker, an Impact Crater Specialist for the U.S. Department of the Interior and one of the few women to hold a professional position in the agency. Her job is to determine the composition of the objects that create craters in the earth. Most of Dr. Stryker’s colleagues believed that asteroids caused all of the craters. Debra isn’t so sure. She has evidence that some of them were caused by battles between highly advanced civilizations.
Inspecting impact craters was her profession her job often led her to finding and exploring new caves. Debra desperately wanted to stand out as the pre-eminent expert in her field. She believed that the key to that goal was hidden somewhere in a cave. The previous year she found a spot with real potential. Now it was time to go back. She enlisted the help of her assistant, graduate student Barbara Silvester. The destination was the almost unknown Lechuguilla Cave in the Carlsbad Caverns. That’s where they found what appeared to be two spaceships hundreds of feet below ground. When they got back to town Debra reported the find by phone to her superiors. Unfortunately, a reporter overheard the conversation and got a wire service to print the story. The Interior Department was furious.
At almost exactly the same time papers all over the country were printing stories about the Army Air Corps announcement that a flying saucer crashed near Roswell, New Mexico which is about 100 miles from Lechuguilla Cave. The PR machine in Washington went to work to kill the Lechuguilla story and enhance the one in Roswell. They buried the truth with a massive series of lies while a “hit” was ordered on the two women who seemingly disappeared.
While the search for Debra and Barbara continued, the government did everything possible to keep attention on Roswell and were quite successful. Nothing more was ever heard about the ships in Lechuguilla.
Secretly, Ryal Madisson an expert on asteroids and other space phenomena was put in charge of the project that would find an entrance to the ships, learn about the technology and weapons systems and use them as tools to defeat the Soviet Union in the cold war. Unfortunately, the project limped along for decades until Ryal’s son Rayce took over from his dad. It wasn’t long after taking the position that a hologram named Whitfield appeared and revealed that the ships were left by Earth’s Sarann Civilization from over a billion years ago. A bitter war erupted between the Saranns and another earth inhabitant, the Kasuni who were subsequently defeated.
Whitfield informs President Nancie Fitzgerald, Rayce and his team that only he and the Sarann ships can stop the asteroid. He demonstrates the Sarann power by destroying one of Jupiter’s 69 moons. He’ll do the same with the asteroid if the nations of the world accept just two conditions.
Genre: Science Fiction


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