Download The Road From Death by Tobias Wade (.ePUB)

The Road From Death by Tobias Wade (School of Rebirth and Reincarnation #1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 2.3 MB
Overview: Has anyone ever told you that you can rest when you’re dead? They were lying.

Dead souls still have one final job to do: they must learn to live again. And there’s no better place to do that than ‘The Mortuary, the School of Rebirth and Reincarnation.’

There are many different ways to walk the road from death. You can study necromancy and learn to possess a living human, be reborn as a new child, or even animate yourself into the Undead.

Others prefer to connect with nature in their Transhumanism classes to discover their spirit animal which will guide them into a wild new life.

There are even those who favor Demonology, the foul practice of summoning from the Netherworld. Stranger still are those who don’t mind shedding the constraints of mortality to be born again amidst those monstrous ranks. All who enter the Mortuary must search their past lives for meaning in order to guide who they will become.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy | Dark Fantasy


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