Download The Rising Sun by Twyla Turner (.ePUB)

The Rising Sun (A Curvy Girls Club Novel #4) by Twyla Turner
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Overview: Kennedy Callaghan is the dreamer and hopeless romantic of her tight-knit group of friends. She even writes love and romance for a living. So, why can’t she find her ‘happily ever after?’ Even her “I will never get married again” no-nonsense friend, Mia, has gotten remarried.

Yes, she has an impossible list of ‘must haves’ from any guy she would commit to. But doesn’t everyone? Prince Charming riding up on a white horse in the middle of San Francisco to save her from the single lady life isn’t too much to ask. Right?

Then right in the middle of watching her closest friends find love and happiness, while she feels left out in the cold, Kennedy is struck a devastating blow. And her friends are so busy being happy, they don’t have the time to see she’s breaking nor does she have the heart to ruin their joyous time.

To heal and find self-love, Kennedy packs up and flies to Asia for a solo trip. She prays she finds some peace in the many spiritual places she visits. But Kennedy has no idea that she’s about to run straight into her past.

Koji Ito never forgot his first love back in college. But his overbearing parents’ disapproval of their relationship forced him to walk away from the best person he’d ever known. And forced him into a profession he never wanted.

Now, he’s living his parents’ dream as a doctor and his dream as a nomadic artist, traveling where his skill might be useful with Doctors without Boundaries—trying to find a life of culture and fulfillment. But something…someone…has always felt missing.

He has no idea he’s about to run into the one person he could never forget, half a world away. But he finds her broken, untrusting, and skittish.

Can Koji bring back the once vivacious redhead? Will they rekindle the love they’d once lost? And will Kennedy learn that sometimes ‘happily ever after’ doesn’t always look like a fairytale, but can be just as good? Find out in the final book of the Curvy Girls Club Series, The Rising Sun.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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