Download The Reva Davenport Collection – Books 1-3 by Reva Davenport (.ePUB)

The Reva Davenport Collection – Books 1-3 by Reva Davenport
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Overview: Reva is a retired oncology nurse, married with two adult daughters and a Midwestern small-town women’s boutique owner. She loves sweet romances. She feels they are always a warm, happily ever after read, so here she is sharing her love with you. She is an avid lover of Boston Terriers. She has had 3 Boston Terriers with the last-named, Sadie who was lost to cancer about 18 months ago. Sadie was the sweetest and snored the loudest. If you own or have been around a Boston Terrier, you will understand.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


Book 1: Sophie and the Rich Grumpy Veterinarian
A wealthy, handsome, debonair man from back East. A lovely, free-spirited woman from L.A. Two animal lovers stuck together in a snowstorm in the Midwest.
Hi. I’m Daltry. I own a ladies ‘bohemian fashion boutique in town, Boho Butterfly. I love helping my customers dress with flair and spirit. Not every day is perfect. For instance, this rich, well-dressed, sarcastic man barged into my shop, demanding a birthday present for his mother. I wasn’t impressed. Although he did have a sense of humor. His green eyes twinkled. He was a sexy, handsome dog. But I digress. Even more than my thriving business, I love a real canine: Sadie, my Boston Terrier and shop mascot. She is everything to me. Imagine my horror when I discovered that Dr. Burt Montauk-the town’s most sought-after (and only) veterinarian was that rude-but-amusing, hot customer! Now I’m stuck. An emergency has Sadie’s life in his hands. Burt is stuck, too, because I won’t leave Sadie’s side. This contradiction of a man will be hard to get along with. But it may be even harder to get along without him …

Book 2: Keys to a Billionaire’s Heart
That’ll teach him to come crawling back to me! He’s a grumpy ex-Navy SEAL, a widower, and a billionaire’s son.
“You’re hot trash!” Forgive me. Those words just fell out of my mouth when Adam Markos showed up at my door with his child-prodigy daughter. Though if trash had muscles like those, I’d marry a dumpster. I haven’t been this flustered since I was homecoming queen. And Adam was my boyfriend. Fast forward, and I’m getting lost in the gorgeous view again.
The warm, mahogany brown eyes. The touchable black hair. That incredibly sculpted body. Nothing so vile should be so divinely crafted. Now Adam’s daughter needs music lessons. From the best of instructors. And that’s me. After all these years, I never expected this . . . I never turn down a talented pupil. This isn’t over—not by a long shot.

Book 3: Isabella and the Rich Bachelor Attorney
My name is Isabella Delaney. I’m your typical damaged single mother—and one heck of a defense attorney. At least that’s what I think until I cross paths with the prosecutor Everett “Judge” Mason…
I’m a woman to be feared in the courtroom, but let’s face it. I can’t fix anything at home. That’s probably why my daughter, Harper, keeps the local ER on speed dial. What’s more, my love life is in disrepair… Enter Everett “Judge” Mason…
He’s the opposing attorney in the craziest lawsuit I’ve ever seen between two elderly neighbors. He’s a tall, handsome bachelor that loves fast cars, expensive suits, and the local country club…but as for romance? He is lacking. Sure, he’s got the looks and charm, but surely, I can’t get involved with my rival. Neither of us has ever lost…but that’s about to change.
It seems this courtroom clown is stealing the show—and my heart. “Your Honor, I object…”

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