Download The Result by Dave Crenshaw (.MP3)

The Result: The Practical, Proven Formula for Getting What You Want by Dave Crenshaw (Author, Narrator)
Requirements: .MP3 reader, 45.5 MB
Overview: What is the best way to achieve success?

Some people tell you it’s through motivation. Visualize, believe, need, and desire a result, and it will come true. Others say you need a system. Trust the process, and over time you’ll eventually arrive at the right destination. Other people say their results are the product of great coaching. Find a mentor or a guide, and they will get you there.

Each of these perspectives holds a portion of truth but misses the bigger picture.

In this audiobook, productivity and leadership expert Dave Crenshaw walks you through the formula his executive-coaching clients pay thousands to learn. The Result teaches the proven, practical formula for getting what you want.

So, the most important question to answer is: What result do you want?
Genre: Audiobooks > Non-Fiction


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