Download The Rental Heart and Other Fairytales by Kirsty Logan (.ePUB)

The Rental Heart and Other Fairytales by Kirsty Logan (2014)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 771 KB
Overview: Twenty tales of lust and loss. These stories feature clockwork hearts, lascivious queens, paper men, island circuses, and a flooded world.

• On the island of Skye, an antlered girl and a tiger-tailed boy resolve never to be friends – but can they resist their unique connection?

• In an alternative 19th-century Paris, a love triangle emerges between a man, a woman, and a coin-operated boy.

• A teenager deals with his sister’s death by escaping from their tiny Scottish island – but will she let him leave?

• In 1920s New Orleans, a young girl comes of age in her mother’s brothel.

Some of these stories are radical retellings of classic tales, some are modern-day fables, but all explore substitutions for love.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy short stories


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