Download The Rent Collector by Cameron Wright (.ePUB)+

The Rent Collector by Cameron Wright
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 2 MB
Overview: Book of the Year Award, Gold Winner, Adult Fiction, –ForeWord Reviews Magazine
Best Novel of the Year Award, General Fiction, –Whitney Awards
International IMPAC DUBLIN Literary Award Nominee

This fictional story, based on actual accounts, follows a Cambodian family that lives at–and makes their living from–Stung Meanchey, the largest municipal waste dump in all of Cambodia. as her husband scavenge the dump for things to sell, Sang Ly tries to find a way to heal her ailing son. When she discovers that the bad-tempered rent collector can read, Sang LY begs the woman to teach her. The unlikely relationship is the beginning of a life-changing quest. It is a story of hope, determination, and the strength of family. It is the journey of one woman to save her son and another womans chance at redemption. It demonstrates that even in a dump in Cambodia–perhaps especially in a dump in Cambodia–everyone deserves a second chance.
Genre: Fiction > General Fiction/Classics


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