Download The Reed Fields by Brandon Campbell (.MOBI)

The Reed Fields: An Egyptian Tragedy by Brandon Campbell
Requirements: MOBI Reader, 391 KB
Overview: A stunning, heart-pounding, journey into the lost world of ancient Egypt.
The Reed Fields, An Egyptian Tragedy is a reading experience unlike any other. In 364 BCE, Akua-Mat was a young priest eager to serve the people of his country the best he could. Then, mysteriously, the priesthood uprooted his life by forbidding his marriage and sending him away. Akua unwillingly accepted this voluntary exile and watched his life crumble. When he eventually lands in Athens, Greece he miraculously uncovers the reasons behind his exile. While there, he decides to return to Egypt and labor to put his life back together. Akua’s natural and learned spiritual gifts manifest into a unique and beautiful gift to Egypt. He was able to touch the hearts of many in a way that few ever could.
Genre: Historical Fiction


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