Download The Recruit by Diana Palmer (.M4B)

The Recruit by Diana Palmer (The second book in the Morcai Battalion series)
Requirements: .M4A/.M4B reader, 203 mb
Overview: This story covers the arrival of a fumble-fingered techie who isoppressed by his sergeant and ends up working for Dtimun in theHolconcom. Dr. Madeline Ruszel saves an old Cehn-Tahr soldier fromcertain death at the hands of a Rojok, and his inability to lead his kehmatemer,a bodyguard unit from the imperial Cehn-Tahr Dectat, puts Madeline incharge of the troops to lead them into battle against a superior Rojokforce. She and Dtimun square off after an unexpectedly tenderinterlude, when he replaces her aboard the Morcai with a younger, lessexperienced medical specialist and open war results. Ruszel will end upback in the Amazon Division as a captain, leading a commando missionthat may end her life.
Genre: Audiobooks > Fiction Paranormal Romance


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