Download The Rebel Code by Joe Barnes (.ePUB)

The Rebel Code: 12 Steps To Find Your Place In The World And Win by Joe Barnes
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 380 kb
Overview: Do you want your life to be greater than the ordinary? Do you feel like you don’t fit in but believe you have something to offer the world? Do you want to enjoy more freedom, meaning and connection in your life?

If so, you are probably a rebel (and you should probably read this book).

You see, there are 3 different types of people in the world – leaders, followers and rebels – and your future success is based on understanding who you are and what you’re here to do.

Rebels need freedom. The freedom to be yourself, the freedom to decide how to spend your time and the freedom not to work a meaningless job. All of these will be yours when you apply the 12 steps of The Rebel Code.

Furthermore, you’ll discover the unique role that rebels play as change makers. In the past, you may have struggled to find your place in the world. However, when you understand that you have a purpose, and that purpose is to challenge, innovate and improve on the status quo, everything will make sense.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Health, Fitness & Self-help


Think of The Rebel Code as 12 Rules For Life for rebels. Buy it and you’ll learn;
How to break free from the grind of a regular job and work on your own terms.
A simple process to make important decisions, used by Phil Knight to create a billion dollar company.
How to create your own world like Alexander The Great and, in the process, shield yourself from the negative influence of society.
An overlooked but proven method for winning your financial freedom.
How to avoid 2 deadly traps that can rob a rebel of their freedom.
A powerful philosophy that will keep you productive at any stage of your life.
A simple but effective strategy for preventing loneliness and building connection with others.

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