Download The Reaping Machine by Billy Spencer (.ePUB)

The Reaping Machine (The Legacy of Ghast #1) by Billy Spencer
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 243 KB
Overview: Nick Ghast is dragged down by his father’s legacy, equipped with a ring that has the power to help him do good but has the potential to awaken beings that have been slumbering for thousands of years in the shadows.

Trying his best to hold down a regular job, it never goes right when it comes to Nick. It’s not that he dislikes working, but something always ends up going wrong. But that changes one night when he falls literally into the realm of the otherworldly while tailing two suspicious people to a shop.

There, he finds a world of Hunters and learns about his family’s history as one of the most deadly monster slayers the world has seen. He uncovers secrets about who his father was and eventually speaks to the leader of The Under, a Gargoyle who seeks to form an alliance with the mundane as their magic starts to fade forcing them to reveal themselves one day.

However, danger looms in the form of Blood Magic, a practice that has been used to pull otherworldly into its grasp, those that crave the old ways. If left unchecked the balance between the mundane and the shadows could shift, with the doors to both realms crashing in on themselves.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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