Download The Realms of Animar by Owen Black (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

The Realms of Animar by Owen Black
Requirements: EPUB or MOBI reader, 760kb
Overview: Thane is a typical teenage boy. Typical of course for Animar, a fascinating yet perilous medieval world where all beings have two forms: one human and one animal. Thane’s life takes an unexpected turn when his animal form becomes something never before seen – a creature with incredible power that can shift the natural balance of life and bring hope to the hunted. Elsewhere, in the rancid depths of a carnivore lair, an evil force named Fatalis who is destined to rule Animar learns of this new threat to his dominion and builds a massive army with one simple yet sinister purpose – death to any who dare oppose him. With time running out, Thane’s people must turn to powerful yet reclusive strangers for help, beings who have thrived in isolation for centuries yet are now forced to take sides in an incredible war that will determine the fate of their world. The Realms of Animar is a story about fear and hope, love and loss, death and survival, all taking place in a perilous world never before described.
Genre: Fantasy | Young Adult


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