Download The Realm Reaper’s Prey by Celeste King (.ePUB)

The Realm Reaper’s Prey (Night Crawler Brides #1) by Celeste King
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 394 KB
Overview: This monster ate my brother. Now he looks to me – not as a meal.

But as mate.

The waira are nightmares. No one thought they were real.

Until our hunting party went out…and didn’t come back.

What came back instead was an evil that was older than even the dark elves.

His name is Mael. And his kind turned our camp into a butcher block.

From this carnage, Mael took me and carried me away.

I was brought to his cave to serve him.

Terrified. Heartbroken. Furious.

I never thought I’d find comfort in the arms of this monster.

But I did.

He nurtured me and protected me.

Healed me. Fed me.

And made me realize that he may have taken my brother.

And his kind may have taken my people.

But I had taken his heart.
Genre: Fiction > Romance Paranormal


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