Download The Rainbow’s Foot by Denise Dietz Wiley (.ePUB)

The Rainbow’s Foot by Denise Dietz Wiley
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 396 KB
Overview: Dynamic, multi-charactered, an authentic tapestry of its times, this is an epic account of the passionate men and women who search for the ultimate treasure—love, happiness, and fulfillment. But some people will beg, steal, even kill, for the elusive pot of gold, said to be found at. . .

The Rainbow’s Foot

One of the most mesmerizing women to ever grace historical fiction, Fool’s Gold Smith is the central figure in Denise Dietz Wiley’s lusty, compelling,

generational saga. Equally memorable is John “Cat” McDonald, rodeo star and

movie hero a la Tom Mix. Vast in scope, rich in detail, The Rainbow’s Foot encompasses the Cripple Creek gold rush, the Ludlow Massacre, and

Cororado’s silent film industry.
Genre: Fiction > General Fiction/Classics


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