Download The Race for Riches or Romance by Lisa S. Gayle (.ePUB)

The Race for Riches or Romance by Lisa S. Gayle (#2-3)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 2 MB
Overview: Lisa S. Gayle lives in the beautiful, mountainous Pacific Northwest. She enjoys traveling and all things outdoors, including hiking, camping, and s’mores. She’s a soccer mom who loves to take her family on adventures while attempting to keep up with her energetic husband and children.

She specializes in contemporary romance and believes in falling in love with a happily ever after.
Genre: Fiction > Romance

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Tangle in the Tropics (#2)
Reality TV, riches, and a race for romance—with a taste of the tropics!
Yes, please! Sign me up. An all-new season is filming in the secluded island paradise of Fiji and the directors are hunting for contestants with the enticing tagline: Want to shine in the spotlight?

But Andrew Meyers already does! He doesn’t need an outrageous action-adventure reality show to find a girl. He’s professional football’s most sought-after quarterback. Trailed by cameras, women, football junkies, and more, he craves ibuprofen ten times more than attention. All he wants to do is play football—without the paparazzi! Well…and win back the love of his life who won’t give him the time of the day. But perhaps if they were stuck on a desert island together, she would?

Hannah Cooper is cautious about falling in love. Ever since she dated the quarterback king of football, relationships have been tough. She’s harboring a deep wound from their unforgettable time together, and moving on from her intense feelings for him hasn’t been easy. After all, how could she? His handsome face is splashed across every TV screen, magazine, and internet site in the world. But this time, she’s decided to move on for good—because what better place to fall in love than on a secluded island with a group of commitment-seeking single men!

Love in La La Land (#3)
Reality TV, riches, and a race for romance—with the glitz and glam of the Hollywood spotlight!
Yes, please! Sign me up. An all-new season is filming in America’s renowned movie town, and the directors are hunting for contestants with the enticing tagline: Want to sparkle under the city lights?

Bria Harper doesn’t date city boys, especially manscaped stuck-up ones with styled hair and trimmed goatees. But she’ll compete in any setting for a million dollars! As much as she wants to enter the competition alone, using her military skills and crafty strategies to win, the race requires a partner. Rick’s equally hungry to win the money, but the show’s dramatic rules have thrown them a curveball—America will vote the couple they deem to be the most “in love” as the winners. Will they have to fake an engagement to convince the fans they’re in love? If so, she can never let her feelings become real because she doesn’t do forever!

Rick Turner gladly exited the Hollywood scene, leaving behind an unfulfilling career as a cameraman on the very show his friends are encouraging him to compete as a contestant on now. After years of filming false narratives and dealing with his toxic ex-wife, he’s more interested in genuine relationships. But Bria’s real—he can feel it—and though she’s his polar opposite, she’s too good to resist, even while she’s encouraging him to fake an engagement in front of his manipulative ex. Trusting love again won’t be easy, but perhaps he can bend the rules and play the game for a chance at love? As long as he doesn’t get his heart broken again in the process!

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