Download The Queen’s Man by Sharon Kay Penman (.mobi)

The Queen’s Man by Sharon Kay Penman (Justin de Quincy bk 1)
Requirements: mobi reader, 386 Kb
Overview: Epiphany, 1193. Eleanor of Aquitaine sits upon England’s throne. Her beloved son Richard Lionheart is missing, presumed dead — and the court whispers that her younger son John is plotting to seize the crown.

Meanwhile, on the snowy highroad from Winchester, a destitute young man falls heir to a blood-stained letter, pressed into his hand by a dying man. The missive becomes Justin de Quincy’s passport into the queen’s confidence — and into the heart of danger, as he pursues a cunning murderer and jousts with secret traitors in Eleanor’s court of intrigue and mystery…
Genre: Historical Mystery


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NOTE: The new version of this book, thanks to Tylah, is now for the retail version. If you want to do the thanks thing, then think good things about them (or donate some WRZ, though they appear to be pretty rich in that, so I’m not sure it would do them any good 😉

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