Download The Promise by Jean Fairfax (.ePUB)

The Promise by Jean Fairfax
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Overview: Life as she knows it is about to end. She’s only sixteen… how could everything be going wrong in such a short time?Jamie Lynn Montgomery thought losing her father was the worst that could happen, until her mother decides to remarry. The boy she loves has feelings for her best friend, and she knows she can never compete with tall, blonde, and beautiful when short and dumpy looks back in the mirror (she was always better at football than flirting…). As a musical prodigy of the flute, of all things, she is expected to audition for a prestigious conductor in a month which leads to her biggest problem. She’s misplaced her ability to play music and is being sent away to Maine until she has a serious “attitude” adjustment about her mother’s upcoming marriage. Thanks, Mom.Alone and dejected in Maine, a state she has not been to since she was four years old, Jamie finally finds peace when she sits on the rocks at Cape Elizabeth watching the waves crash against the rocks. But even there she isn’t safe, as one day she hears the very thing her guilty conscience has her running away from—a flute moving in and out on the breeze! As she goes to investigate her tormentor, she comes face-to-face with a tall, dark, handsome, and mysterious smile that drives all thoughts of anger from her mind.This trip, once a punishment, becomes a new opportunity for Jamie as she begins investigating this mysterious Michael, and why he only ever seems to show up near the rocks of Cape Elizabeth. Who is he? Why does he have so many secrets? Most of all, why is he so determined that she keeps The Promise she made to him so long ago? Jamie won’t stop until she finds out.
Genre: Fiction > Romance | Mystery/Thriller


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