Download The Prometheus Apocalypse by D. F. Wink (.ePUB)

The Prometheus Apocalypse by D. F. Wink (Prometheus Dystopian Trilogy #3)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 533kb
Overview: A choice in a single moment will determine whether millions live or perish; one man must make the decision.

In a post-apocalyptic world ruled by a sinister global regime, Adama possesses mysterious abilities that mark him as the subject of an ancient prophecy. When darkness engulfs the land, Adama emerges as possibly the only one who can defeat an insidious artificial intelligence threatening to exterminate humanity.

As Adama unites disparate rebel groups against impossible odds, he also wages an internal battle with shattering secrets from his past. Driven by a haunting loss and plagued with unbearable guilt, Adama grapples with love, vengeance, and what it truly means to be free.

When betrayal crumbles Adama’s tenuous alliances, he faces unprecedented danger alone. With humanity’s fate in the balance, Adama must confront his deadliest enemy and biggest doubt – himself.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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