Download The Problem with Change by Ashley Goodall (.M4B)

The Problem with Change: And the Essential Nature of Human Performance by Ashley Goodall
Requirements: .M4A/.M4B reader, 231 MB
Overview: For decades, “disruption” and “change” have been seen as essential to business growth and success. In this provocative and incisive book, Ashley Goodall argues that what has become a sacred dogma is both wrong and harmful. Whether it’s a merger or re-org or a new office layout, change has become the ultimate easy button for leaders, who pursue it with abandon, unleashing a torrent of disruption on employees. The result is what he calls “life in the blender”—a perpetual cycle of upheaval, uncertainty, and unease. The problem with change, Goodall argues, is that a culture where everything from people to processes to strategic priorities are constantly in flux exerts a psychological toll that undermines motivation, productivity, and quality.
Genre: Audiobooks > Non-Fiction


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