Download The Prince of Crows by Vil N. Vile (.ePUB)

The Prince of Crows by Vil N. Vile (Vicious Fae 1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 416 kb
Overview: When Emra Lunaras is chosen for the Harvest, she goes without a fight. Her life in Ronan isn’t anything exceptional. The chance to cross the Veil and explore the Fae world, though most likely a death sentence, is better than staying put.

What she finds there is nothing she could have ever imagined, though.

Four Fae, appearing in various monstrous forms, keep her guarded in the Prince of Crow’s magical Manor.

Expecting them to tire of her and eventually eat her heart, she is on constant alert. But it becomes clear pretty quickly that not everything is as it seems, and she might be their only chance at survival.

And their salvation.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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