Download The Price of Valor by Django Wexler (.MP3)

The Price of Valor by Django Wexler (The Shadow Campaigns Series, Book #3)
Requirements: MP3 Player, Quality: 64 kbps, Size: 563 MB, Duration: 20 hrs 46 mins
Overview: In the wake of the king’s death, war has come to Vordan. The deputies-general have precarious control of the city, but it is led by a zealot who sees traitors in every shadow. Executions have become a grim public spectacle. The new queen, Raesinia Orboan, finds herself nearly powerless as the government tightens its grip and assassins threaten her life. But she did not help free the country from one sort of tyranny to see it fall into another. Placing her trust with steadfast soldier, Marcus D’Ivoire, she sets out to turn the tide of history. Narrated by Richard Poe. Release Date: July 7, 2015.
Genre: Audiobooks, Fantasy


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