Download The Price of Fame series by Laura Liller (.ePUB)

The Price of Fame series by Laura Liller (#1-2)
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Overview: Laura Liller (1956 – not dead yet) Grew up in The Bronx and was raised by a single mother, grandparents, & variety of neighbors. That was in essence, The Bronx way of life. As a child, she was educated by some extremely strict nuns which made her teen years at NYC’s High School of Art & Design sweet freedom. Ms. Liller graduated from The Fashion Institute of Technology and after a career in the art field switched to writing, incorporating fashion & architecture to make her romance novels visual as well as interesting. Ms. Liller is the author of four novels, her fifth soon to be released by The Wild Rose Press. Laura lives in Blooming Grove, NY, is married, and has two daughters.
Genre: Fiction > Romance

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His Hollywood Blonde (#1)
At eighteen, Jenna Welles has it all‒ fame, fortune, and a lifestyle other girls can only dream of. Eric Laine, the beautiful young man, who accidentally falls into her world, has nothing. All he can offer is the precious gift of love.

But his love is a fragile stronghold against outside forces intent on parting them. Jenna’s manager, obsessed with his virtuous, young star, plots to ruin Eric. The result is an unthinkable tragedy that forces Jenna to flee Hollywood and go into hiding. While she lives in obscurity, the tables turn, and Eric steps into the limelight. He soon learns life as a rich celebrity is a fathomless void without Jenna and vows to one day find her.

Her Leading Man (#2)
A-list celebrity Eric Laine’s brooding demeanor only adds to his appeal as an actor. But after ten, unfulfilled years of living in the spotlight, he’s prepared to abandon his career and search for his first love—Jenna Welles, a young superstar who fled Hollywood after being violently assaulted.
Her Leading Man, part two of The Price of Fame series, takes Eric on a journey from the lush hills of The Pacific Palisades to rural Cromline, New York where Jenna and her young daughter live a quiet and solitary life. While trying to win Jenna back, Eric finds himself fighting the small town’s dishonest power brokers, renovating a ramshackle old house, and hiding his identity by pretending to be a handyman. He also has to divorce his wife, a scheming woman who will cross any line to keep him. What could be easier for the handsome leading man?

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