Download The PostModern Adventures of Kill Team One series by Mike Leon (.ePUB)

The PostModern Adventures of Kill Team One series by Mike Leon (#1-3, SS)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader | 1.72 MB
Overview: I’m Mike Leon. I write genre-bending adventure novels that have been described by readers as "balls out insane" and like a "Red Bull injected straight into the brain." All of my characters are assholes, even the good guys, and the ultraviolence is through the roof. If you like things like Deadpool, Preacher, The Boys, The Punisher, Mortal Kombat, Ninja Scroll, Kill Bill, and grimdark darkness, you should check out what I’m doing.
Genre: Fiction> Sci-Fi/Fantasy


Rated R
Do you miss the action heroes of the ‘80s and ‘90s?
Tired of delicate sensibilities and toned-down PG-13 muck?

Meet Sid Hansen. He’s the finest killing machine the secret shadow government has ever produced. Feelings? He doesn’t have them. Manners? Nope. Remorse? Absolutely not. This guy would detonate a bus full of kittens to kill one terrorist. He shoots first and asks questions never.

So why is he running a cash register in a video store? Good question. The answer is complicated-and it’s about to get a lot more complicated because an 8-foot-tall super zombie, a mystical ninja, teams of commandos in unmarked black helicopters, and an unstoppable super soldier are all coming to kill Sid. Why? Because of a girl…

But don’t worry about things getting all sappy. Sid doesn’t have time for that. And this isn’t that kind of story. This is a story about crushing your enemies, seeing them driven before you, and hearing the lamentation of the women.

Boredom is a disease… and Rated R is the cure. So go ahead, pick up this thriller and make your day.

Godless Murder Machine
Sid Hansen is a remorseless, death dealing, super soldier – and he works at GameStop.

That’s right. Kill Team One now has a job in a videogame retail store filled with cranky customers, shoplifters, crying kids, and people who just haven’t figured out how to use Steam yet. SPOILER ALERT: It’s a situation that can’t possibly end well. And it’s about to get a whole lot worse…

A global organization of radical Islamists have tracked Sid all the way from the mountains of Afghanistan, where he may or may not have been kinda sorta responsible for just some itty bitty little crimes against humanity. Hell-bent on revenge, they’ve planned the largest martyrdom operation ever conducted. Buildings will crumble. The streets will run red with blood. Their jihad will not end until they have accomplished their sole objective – to kill Kill Team One.

But their enemy is a godless murder machine capable of violence even these barbarians can’t imagine, so he’s going to paint a very clear picture for them…

Red Scare
They murdered the woman he casually bangs – and now they’re going to pay.

The Russian mafia just made their last mistake. They killed Sid Hansen’s friend – not a girlfriend, certainly not a lover, because that would imply some kind of actual emotional attachment. She was just a convenient sex partner, and now she’s gone, murdered by the mob.

So what is the world’s most dangerous man to do? Kill. Every. Last. One-of-them. Bomb their businesses. Burn their homes to the ground. Drag their daughters from their beds and–whoa, whoa, that’s a bit much. That whole violence against women thing is a bit of a hot button issue we need to stay away from, but all the killing and the burning is still good.

The wrath of Kill Team One rivals the wrath of an angry god, but the mob is about to get some unexpected help from something beyond human – and beyond evil. This is an enemy Sid cannot hope to fight alone, and yet there is no one around to help him…

Bride of the Zombie God
Dominique will do whatever it takes to ensure a better future for her son, but tonight she’ll drive out into the dark countryside and meet a client who wants a lot more from her than the usual lap dance. Something evil is out there waiting for her and it won’t stop until it has her body and her soul.

Bride of the Zombie God is a short story by Mike Leon, author of Rated R and KILL KILL KILL.

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