Download The Perfect Holiday by Debbie Macomber (.ePUB)

style=”flex-grow: 1″> The Perfect Holiday: A 2-in-1 Collection by Debbie Macomber
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 4.2MB | Retail
Overview: Debbie Macomber is a #1 New York Times bestselling author and one of todays most popular writers with more than 170 million copies of her books in print worldwide. Macomber brings to life the compelling relationships that embrace family, community and enduring friendships, filling her readers with a sense of love and hope.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


That Wintry Feeling
After watching the man she loves walk down the aisle with her sister, Cathy Thompson needs to get away. Alaska—beautiful, remote, and far from bitter memories—sounds like the perfect place to start over. But a brand-new life comes with brand-new challenges . . . namely Grady Jones, a pilot and single dad who has a solution to both their problems: a marriage of convenience.

Thanksgiving Prayer
Seth immediately recognizes that Claudia is the woman for him—the woman he wants to marry and take back to Alaska. But Claudia is torn between Seth and her life in Seattle. How can she give up everything familiar, everything she’s always worked for? And yet, she can’t bear the thought of losing this man she’s come to love. . . . Only when she acts with faith and hope can she find her true destiny.

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