Download The Parallax Disc by Douglas Michaels (.ePUB)

The Parallax Disc by Douglas Michaels (The Parallax Crisis Book 2)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.7 mb
Overview: A lost civilization sending out a cry for help… or a warning?

A mysterious disc that disables all technology in its vicinity is discovered in an ice core sample in Greenland, setting off a world-wide scramble to obtain and control its vast power. But the bigger fight will be over the disc’s twin, found on Easter Island, which proved capable of destroying organic matter. What will these discs do if brought together?

Chris Stone will again be sent covertly by the U.S. government to retrieve the discs before they can fall into sinister hands, but Chris quickly learns that he and the discs may just be a pawn in a bigger and more deadly game
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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