Download The Paladin’s Sin Series: Complete Box Set by Jessica Kemery (.ePUB)

The Paladin’s Sin Series: The Complete Box Set Books 1-3 by Jessica Kemery
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.2 MB
Overview: His solemn oath forbade many pleasures of living. When it’s broken with love, will the cost come in blood?

Rordan of Duvall thought his destiny was already determined. As sworn temple knight and supposed heir to the master, his chosen path forbids any sort of relationship with a woman. So when he fathers a beautiful child with the king’s daughter, the furious monarch demands the warrior’s head.

Escaping the axe at the last moment, Rordan and his bold lover venture out into the dangerous world with no supplies and little defense. But his mission to build a free brotherhood of fellow rejects draws him away from his wife’s side just as their pursuers set a deadly trap in motion.

Will Rordan’s decision to walk a new road lead to tranquility or down a dead end?
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy Romance


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