Download The Pacific Rim Collection by Don Brown (.ePUB)

The Pacific Rim Collection (1-3) by Don Brown
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Overview: NATIONALLY BESTSELLING AUTHOR DON BROWN, (born June 3, 1960) is an American author of eleven published novels, and two significant military works of non-fiction, including CALL SIGN EXTORTION 17: The Shoot-Down of SEAL Team Six, and THE LAST FIGHTER PILOT: The True Story of the Final Combat Mission of World War II. LAST FIGHTER PILOT became a national bestseller the first week of its release, being named to the PUBLISHERS WEEKLY BESTSELLERS LIST in nonfiction for all hardbacks. The NEW YORK POST called LAST FIGHTER PILOT a "MUST READ." The book was also endorsed by the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation, and spent several weeks on the nationally-acclaimed Conservative Book Club’s national bestseller list.
Genre: Fiction > Mystery /Thriller


#1 – Thunder in the Morning Calm
Lieutenant Commander ‘Gunner’ McCormick is assigned as an intelligence officer to Carrier Strike Force 10, being deployed to the Yellow Sea at the invitation of South Korea for joint exercises with the US Navy. During his pre-deployment briefing, he discovers a TOP-SECRET MEMO revealing rumors that the North Koreans may still be holding a handful of elderly Americans from the Korean War in secret prison camps. As it happens, Gunner’s grandfather, who was a young marine officer in the Korean War, disappeared at Chosin Reservoir over 60 years ago and is still listed as MIA in North Korea. Sworn to silence about what he has read, the top-secret memo eats at him. Gunner decides to spend all his inheritance and break every military regulation in the book to finance his own three-man commando squad on a suicide mission north of the DMZ to search for clues about the fate of his grandfather. Risking his career, his fortune, and his life, Gunner will get his answers, or he will die trying.

#2 – Fire of the Raging Dragon
In the very near future, China, now the world’s largest industrial producer and consumer of Mideast Oil, passes a law that all new cars manufactured in that nation will be operated on natural gas. Beneath the floor of the South China Sea, around the contested Spratly Islands, billions of gallons of natural gas wait to be mined. But at the center of the Spratlys, the remote but strategic island of Itu Aba is occupied by China’s historic enemy, Taiwan. When the new, power-hungry Chinese President, Tang Qhichen, orders Chinese Naval forces to attack Taiwanese forces on Itu Aba, U.S. President Douglas Surber responds, ordering the U.S. Seventh Fleet to try and quell a burgeoning naval showdown between the two Chinas. Aboard the submarine tender U.S.S. Emory S. Land, one of the first ships in the naval war zone, is Ensign Stephanie Surber, a recent Naval Academy graduate who is also the First Daughter of the United States. As the Emory S. Land steams into harm’s way, Ensign Surber’s life is gravely threatened. The President must make a decision. Will he take a stand against evil? Or will he save the life of his daughter?

#3 – Storming the Black Ice
When British geologists discover the world’s largest oil reserves under the desolate, icy tundra of Antarctica, Britain and Chile form a top-secret alliance for control of petroleum resources that will rival the economic power of OPEC. But when their discovery is uncovered by an Argentinean intelligence officer, a surprise-attack against a secret British outpost in Antarctica triggers a war. Britain and Chile are in a military standoff against Venezuela and Argentina, and when the war escalates, Britain asks America for help. For two couples separated by the battle, the outcome will be either love reunited or devastating heartbreak. For a young British boy living with his mother in London, his father’s life is on the line. And for Pete Miranda, an American sub commander detailed on a special military assignment to his father’s homeland of Chile, will his fate be a crushing death under the icy-cold waters of the Antarctic Ocean, or a future of life, light, and a second chance for love?

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