Download The Other Wolf Series (#1-3) by Heather G. Harris (.MP3)

The Other Wolf Series (#1-3) by Heather G. Harris / Narrated by Alyse Gibbs
Requirements: .MP3 player, 619 mb
Overview: Heather is an urban fantasy writer and mum. She was born and raised near Windsor, which gave her the misguided impression that she was close to royalty in some way. She is not, though she once got a letter from the Queen’s lady-in-waiting. Heather went to university in Liverpool, where she took up skydiving and met her future husband. When she’s not running around after her children, she’s plotting her next book and daydreaming about vampires, dragons and kick-ass heroines. Heather loves to travel and once spent a month in Thailand. Thai food remains a firm family favourite. It goes without saying that Heather is a book lover. She grew up reading the likes of Brian Jacques and Anne McCaffrey.
Genre: Audiobooks > Fiction

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Defender of the Pack, 0.5 | I have a wolf in my head. Her name is Esme, and she likes killing things.

I’m Lucy, alpha werewolf of a pack that hates me. I inherited the pack when I mercy-killed the current alpha at his behest. I did the right thing, but it’s left me head of a werewolf pack who resent that I still live and breathe while their old alpha doesn’t.

The problem is, I wasn’t born to the Other realm so magic is all new to me. I’ve got to get up to speed–fast. Luckily, I have super soldier Greg Manners on side to help me, or this loneliness would be crippling.

My new packmates are making it clear that I’m about as welcome as a malodourous, flea-ridden mutt. Disrespect is one thing, bullying is another. I’m trying to take their pranks as light hearted fun, but my gut tells me there’s no affection behind them. I’m going to have to find the pranksters and put a stop to their shenanigans before they erode what little shred of authority I have left. Because if the pack doesn’t respect me, I’ll be replaced as alpha. It’s a position you can’t resign from. It’s do or die.

It’s time to get my paws dirty….

Protection of the Pack, 1 | I’m Lucy. Your average accountant turned alpha werewolf. An affair with the wrong succubus sent me tumbling into a magical realm I’d never even dreamed existed. I was just adjusting to pack life when I was asked to mercy kill the current alpha. I’m not a total bitch, so I did what he asked, but it’s left me as alpha of a pack I don’t know, full of people who resent that I still live and breathe while the old alpha doesn’t.

I’m still trying to find my way in this violent new world when my third in command, Mark, gets brutally murdered right under my damn nose. To regain control of the pack, I’m going to need to find the killer and bring him to vigilante justice—luckily Esme is more than happy to get her paws dirty.

Of course, that’s when the werewolf council show up to question me, and things get a little dicey. Thank goodness I have Greg Manners, former dragon brethren and general ass kicker, along to back me up. Now I just need to unravel who’d kill Mark, which it turns out, is a really long list. Mark was a very naughty boy. Now I’m hip deep in suspects, and I need to move fast—before the killer strikes again….

Guardians of the Pack, 2 | I’m Lucy. Your average accountant turned alpha werewolf. An affair with the wrong succubus sent me tumbling into a magical realm I’d never even dreamed existed. I was just adjusting to pack life when I was asked to mercy kill the current alpha. I’m not a total bitch, so I did what he asked, but it’s left me as alpha of a pack I don’t know, full of people who resent that I still live and breathe while the old alpha doesn’t.

I’m still trying to find my way in this violent new world when my third in command, Mark, gets brutally murdered right under my damn nose. To regain control of the pack, I’m going to need to find the killer and bring him to vigilante justice—luckily Esme is more than happy to get her paws dirty.

Of course, that’s when the werewolf council show up to question me, and things get a little dicey. Thank goodness I have Greg Manners, former dragon brethren and general ass kicker, along to back me up. Now I just need to unravel who’d kill Mark, which it turns out, is a really long list. Mark was a very naughty boy. Now I’m hip deep in suspects, and I need to move fast—before the killer strikes again….

Saviour of the Pack, 3 | My mum told me I could be anything I wanted to be–and it turns out that I want to be an alpha werewolf. I’m finally starting to get a hang of this alpha malarkey when destiny sticks her oar in once again.

There’s a prophecy about me, and it’s time for me to find out what it says. So when my best friend Jess cooks up a hare-brained scheme to get hold of the prophecy through fair means or foul, I’m along for the ride before you can say "bail money".

Getting my wolfy paws on the prophecy is only the beginning, though, because I’m not the only one aware of its existence. Some of my enemies will stop at nothing to prevent the prophecy from coming true. I’ve a battle on my hands, so it’s lucky that I have super soldier Greg Manners by my side.I’m a pretty chilled-out alpha, but when unknown wolves slink onto my land and attack my unicorn, all bets are off. No one attacks my murderous little Ares and gets away with it.

Beckett Frost is coming my way with vengeance in mind; the black witch is still free, ready to steal powers and destroy lives; I have enemies piling up around me–so I do what any girl would do and call in my family, my weirdly Other birth family. I need allies, and fast, because war is coming to Home Counties Pack whether we’re ready or not.

Luckily, Esme was born ready. Bring it on.

Download Instructions:
Other Wolf 00 – Defender of the Pack.rar
Other Wolf 01 – Protection of the Pack.rar
Other Wolf 02 – Guardians of the Pack.rar
Other Wolf 03 – Saviour of the Pack.rar


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