Download The Orion War Series by Kali Altsoba (.ePUB)

The Orion War Series by Kali Altsoba (#1-4)
Requirements: EPUB Reader, 888 KB
Overview: Kali Altsoba is the pen name used in future war fiction by a military historian who teaches at a major research university in the United States. He has published award-winning books on world military history and 20th century military history.
Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy

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Invasion!: The Orion War (The Orion War #1)
Cries. Shouts. Shots. Screams. Running, dying fighters. Inchoate rage. Choking fear. Plasma shells plunging down. Broken rock and trees rising high in explosive bubbles. A great unnatural racket. Far-off rumbles. A closer roaring deafness. The cacophony of battle whirtles in blood and metal storms across the broken face of invaded Genève and four more startled worlds. Sights and sounds unknown anywhere in the Thousand Worlds of the Orion spiral arm in nearly 300 years. Roaring engines. Humming glide boots. Low missiles whizzing past as another assault wave rolls overhead. Funnels of flame and fury burrowing into ground, seeking hidden targets. Blue electric plasma balls. Smaller white bolts of maser fire. Green sniper lasers boring through armor and flesh. Red mist on the air. All the bright colors of battle, making a rainbow of death. A hard rain falls. Armor and bone, broken metal and ceramics, rattling down inside collapsing domes of black soil and shattered rock. Flesh and clods thud down. Soft hissing gasses rise from unrecognizable gray clumps, all that’s left of some mother’s son. And another. And another. Now the taste and smells of war. Salt and iron, vomit and vehemence, and smoky piles of scored flesh. A hundred unexpected, secret smells. All inside out. Acid and acrid, bitter and odd. Forbidden odors from private places only surgeons and butchers know. Tornadoes of whirling hate and driven violence rip apart lives and landscapes. Murder, mayhem and malice have descended from orbit to wreak whole worlds. It’s terrible. It’s insane. It’s madly vital and glorious and arousing all at once. It’s the greatest theater in all the Thousand Worlds. Jan Wysocki is a twice failed officer, a washout from Aral Academy and a runner from his first ever firefight. And now he’s wounded, too. But he’s in command, with over 300 fighters looking only to him. He must overcome a lifetime of self-doubt to lead a cutoff and ragtag company on an epic trek to reach the last place of refuge on Genève, if it’s even there. Along the way he must master his doubt as well as the enemy. He must learn to lead in spite of failure, learn to fight by fighting, to kill without mercy. He doesn’t think he can do it. Zofia Jablonski is the only other officer left alive. She’s younger, better trained, ruthless toward the enemy and brutally honest toward Jan. Ten years his junior, she’s a better leader and officer already, who came back to save him when he ran and was wounded with his back to the enemy. She’s an Academy graduate, top of her class. A consummate military professional. She smells of confidence and competence and lethal surety. Of cold reason that denies pity, as well as musk and warm secret desire. Can they work together? Can they somehow elude the swarming and surrounding enemy? Can they get the company to refuge? What then? Is there any way off this burning world? Is there any way to defy this invader, already victorious and so much more powerful in every way? Is there a way for Jan and Zofia and their beaten people to defy this invasion, to make peace no more forever?

Exodus: The Orion War (The Orion War #2)
Jan Wysocki must get Madjenik Company out of the ash lands into besieged Toruń City. The odds are all against it. A massive ring of heavily armed defenders encircles the whole city. He’s going to need a lot of help to do this. How can he contact the garrison and coordinate his attack? Once inside the city he will have to finally face Zofia as well as his own failures as a man and a commander. And he must decide where to go next. Should the company stay and fight the last battle at the berm, or should Jan lead it offworld on the Exodus fleet that is fleeing Krevan space to find sanctuary and fight on from bases in the neutral Calmar Union? Stay and die or live and resist from long and uncertain exile? He’s not sure what to do. Neither is Madjenik, which may mutiny if he refuses to go back out to fight along the berm wall. He has a third decision to make. He’s offered an extraordinary secret mission by General Amiya Constance, the garrison commander. Can he do it? Will he do it? Will he agree to leave his home to a cruel enemy? Is he about to be exposed as a fraud or will he fit the legend of the ‘Ghost of the Woods’? Is he the one to lead a long and brutal war of resistance from exile?

Jahandar: The Orion War (The Orion War #3)
The opening battle for Krevo is ending. The much bigger war for Orion is about to begin. Pyotr Shaka’s plans go far beyond conquering a few small neutrals. Policy in the Calmar Union is also hardening. War is coming between two of the great star powers of Orion. What will the third do? Who knows what Jahandar really wants? He stands before an immense star map brooding on war. He’s been traveling toward this hour all his long, twisted life. He yearns to grasp the moment, stab at his enemies, change the course of history and Orion. He will bend or break all the Thousand Worlds to his will. He will wail war at the stars, rage against the coming darkness of his due time. Fleets and armies are on the way to destroy unsuspecting worlds. Can he also steal the secret of immortality? In the Calmar Union, politicians do nothing. War is coming, yet they quarrel and conspire, block each other’s plans, retreat into last-minute diplomacy. Some in the military whisper about a coup d’état. Will they act to remove a weak PM and government not ready to fight the coming war? The Wolf’s long red howl will be heard over all Orion soon. Already he’s loping toward the last free Krevan systems, calling to his brothers to gather in strength of the pack and join him in the kill. Look! Over there! He sinks warm, wetted fangs into the red throat of another world.

Alliance: The Orion War (The Orion War #4)
Alpha finally arrives at Harsa, just in time to fly into a fight against a ruthless Dauran general inside the immense lava tubes of Minotaur. All the Great Powers of Orion are now at war. The Calmar Union reels under a dual betrayal by Jahandar and Pyotr, Daura and the Imperium. More neutrals are invaded, and flee into armed exile. An alliance is forming in which Krevans like Jan Wysocki and Magda Aklyan play key roles, but it’s badly led and already nearing defeat. It’s still losing every fight, with whole fleets and armies gone and over a hundred worlds lost. Jahandar’s drop ships land on Nunavut and Krakoya, with his murderous Shishi right behind. The Calmar Union is in crisis, the government teetering, morale plunging. The Dual Powers are on the move.

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