Download The Nightwatch Academy series Box Set (1-4) by Debbie Cassidy (.ePUB)

The Nightwatch Academy: The Complete series Box Set by Debbie Cassidy (#1-4)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader, 1.6 MB
Overview: Murdering humans is a huge no-no and comes with an off-with-your-head sentence. Doesn’t matter if you don’t remember doing the crime. I killed a human, and no, it wasn’t on purpose, but that shit doesn’t matter to the council. I’m facing death. So, when I’m offered a deal to avoid execution, I’d be a fool not to take it, even if it means leaving the human world behind to enrol in the Nightwatch Academy – a gothic monstrosity hidden from human eyes, located way too close to the largest tear in the fabric of our reality. I have no intention of becoming a member of the Watch or supporting the shadow knights at keeping the Fomorian threat at bay. The monsters beyond the mist aren’t my problem. But one sip from the ceremonial goblet and my plans to coast are out of the window as my powers spark to life. I’m an anomaly, one the Watch won’t be letting walk any time soon. The Collection contains all four books in the series.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


1. A Ghost of a Chance
They say the dead don’t speak. That’s a lie. They speak to Kat Justice, but most of the time, she chooses not to hear them. I’m a Nightwatch agent, a nightblood charged with enforcing the supernatural laws. Humans can’t know the shit that goes bump in the night is real. It’s sweaty, tough work, with crappy pay, but I love it. Things would be perfect if not for my secret.Pureblood Nightbloods can’t see or hear the dead. The fact that I can exposes my mixed breeding. I’m not meant to exist, and if the council find out about my secret it’s the executioners block for me. Keeping a lid on my ghost whisperer ability is a must. So, when my gramps orders me to head to the arse end of nowhere, a nowhere that just happens to be the most haunted place on the bloody map, I’m a little confused. This transfer doesn’t jive with trying to keep the ghost chat to a minimum. But with my golem partner and gargoyle companion in tow, I’m sure I can figure out why I’ve been sent to this weird coastal town. I mean, they even have a ghost bar. You’d think the local souls would be eager to chew my ear off, right? Wrong. For the first time in forever, the dead aren’t talking. Now I need to know why…

2. Give up the Ghost
They say not to judge a book by its cover. It’s what’s on the inside that counts. But what if what’s on the inside could get you killed? My secret is out and there’s nowhere to run. The council have my Gramps. But there’s hope, a lifeline that’s related to my heritage. The council want an ancient magical text stolen by Demonica, and they need me to get it back. I guess they just don’t want to get their hands dirty killing me themselves. Welcome to the spot between a rock and a hard place.

3. Ghost at the Feast
Yuletide is almost upon us. The season of cheer. My favourite time of year. Shame danger doesn’t take a vacation. With a location for the dastardly Custodians finally in our hands, we’re off to shut down a secret underground operation, and hopefully save a few lives in the process. Always a bonus. Shame on me for believing anything could be so simple. As if we didn’t have enough on our plates, the spirit realm decides to throw a hissy fit. All clues point to the shimmer man. Yeah, the shimmer man is back, and he’s making his presence known. The binding keeping me safe is still intact, but I don’t think that’s going to stop him. Not this time.

4. Lay the Ghost
Change is part of life, but so is death. And I’ve about had my fair share of it. I didn’t think the Shimmer man could hurt me, not like this. I didn’t believe he could break me, but I’m hanging on by a thread. Time is running out for us all. Our world is in danger, and only a handful of us have to potential to save it. But we won’t be able to do it alone. It’s time to think outside the box, and when we do, we might just find allies in unlikely places. The shimmer man’s threats are coming to pass. Question is, what the hell am I going to do about it?

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