Download The Night of the Long Knives by Charles River Editors (.ePUB)

The Night of the Long Knives: The History and Legacy of Adolf Hitler’s Notorious Purge of the SA by Charles River Editors
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1.0 MB
Overview: *Includes pictures

*Explains Hitler’s rise to power and the roles played by the SA and other paramilitary groups like the SS

*Includes eyewitness accounts of the purge

*Includes a bibliography for further reading

*Includes a table of contents

Germany’s Nazi Party was remarkably implacable in the hostility it showed to the outside world, staunchly opposing both Communism and liberal democracy from the moment of its inception to that of its violent dissolution. The Nazis likewise showed steely, unwavering resolve in their lethal hatred of the Jews, the Slavs, and many others whom they labeled as “untermenschen,” subhumans unworthy of rights, cultural standing, or life itself. They pursued their dark vision of “Aryan” superiority with a terrifying clarity and zeal, and they were willing to incur the enmity of the entire world in the process.
Genre: Non-Fiction > History


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