Download The New Star Party by Andrew Hennessey (.ePUB)

The New Star Party : or, Whatever happened to exopolitics ? (Creatures of Space-Time Book 1) by Andrew Hennessey
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 721 KB
Overview: Whatever happened to the global movement some call exopolitics ? in over 20 years there has been NO political manifesto – and given the large number of very educated people involved – there really ought to have been more to account for than a few videos, books and the recent promotion of what looks suspiciously like large blue parrots !!

All UK and other political parties can produce policies and programs, social initiatives, budgets and spend predictions But NOT exopolitics. Exopolitics, ideally would be asking the Military-Industrial complex some tough questions about the unwilling participation of tax-payers and voters in alien-corporation programs, and about shares of profits handed out to claimants who may feel abused.

Here then – written a couple of years before exopolitical thinking is a demo political manifesto for the New Star Party.

‘New’ because something clearly has happened to the old one …

It’s a demo – and in 20 years or so since writing it – I have never seen some of these issues arise.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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