Download The Mythmakers Trilogy (#1-2) by James LePore (.ePUB)

The Mythmakers Trilogy (#1-2) by James LePore
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 3.05MB
Overview: I write what I like to read: novels and short stories with compelling, fast moving plots, populated by flawed characters who, finding themselves caught up in situations of extraordinary stress and danger, are forced to face their own demons in order to prevail. The world is full of extremes: terrorism and the courage to fight it, love and hate, lust and tenderness, corruption and redemption, honor and revenge. You will find them all in my work. The second of my Zev Evans novellas, The Eyes of a Wolf, is out now. I’m hooked on Zev so I’ll probably start another one soon.
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller


#1. No Dawn For Men: A Novel Of Ian Fleming, JRR Tolkien And Nazi Germany
In 1938, Nazi Germany prepares to extend its reach far beyond its borders. The key to domination lies in a secret that would make their army not only unbeatable, but un-killable.
MI-6, knowing that something potentially devastating is developing, recruits scholar and novelist John Ronald Reuel Tolkien to travel to Germany to find out what this might be, using the German popularity of his children’s novel THE HOBBIT as cover. Joining him there is MI-6 agent Ian Fleming, still years away from his own writing career but posing as a Reuters journalist. Together, Tolkien and Fleming will get to the heart of the secret – and they will face a fury greater than even their prodigious imaginations considered possible.

#2. God’s Formula: A Novel Of Ian Fleming And JRR Tolkien In WWII France
It is 1939. The scourge that is Nazi Germany is trampling Europe as its scientists vie to deliver ever-increasing destructive power. Now physicist Walter Friedeman – a friend of Albert Einstein’s since childhood – has found a formula to enrich uranium in three months rather than the previously expected five years. Such a formula could deliver Germany the first atomic arsenal. But Friedeman does not believe in the Nazi cause. Friedeman wants the formula in the hands of America, but getting it to them himself will be nearly impossible. He sets into motion a plan to use his teenaged son, a Hitler Youth, to unwittingly do the job using a message Friedeman has encoded in the Elvish language created by J.R.R. Tolkien in his novel THE HOBBIT.
What follows is a quest across continents as Einstein, Tolkien, and MI-6 officer Ian Fleming work together to find Friedeman’s son, decode the message, and wrest control of the nuclear future before Hitler can steal it for himself.

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