Download The Morland Dynasty Series by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles (.ePUB)

The Morland Dynasty Series by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles
Requirements: ePub Reader, 82.9 MB
Overview: Cynthia Harrod-Eagles was born in Shepherd’s Bush in London. She was educated at Burlington School, a girls’ charity school founded in 1699, and at the University of Edinburgh and University College London, where she studied English, history and philosophy. The birth of the MORLAND DYNASTY series enabled her to become a full-time writer in 1979. The series was originally intended to comprise twelve volumes, but it has proved so popular that it has now been extended to thirty-five. In 1993 she won the RNA Novel of the Year Award with EMILY, the third volume of her Kirov Saga, a trilogy set in nineteenth century Russia, and she also writes the internationally acclaimed BILL SLIDER MYSTERIES.

The Morland Dynasty is a series of historical novels by Cynthia Harrod-Eagles, based around the Morland family of York, England and their national and international relatives and associates. There are currently thirty-five books in the series. The first book begins in 1434 and features the Wars of the Roses; the most recent book begins in 1931 and deals with the early years of the Depression, the rise of Fascism in Europe, and culminates in the Abdication Crisis of 1936 in Britain.
Genre: Historical Fiction


Dynasty 1 – The Founding – Begins: 1434 – Period: Wars of the Roses; Richard III
Seeking power and prestige, grim, ambitious Yorkshireman Edward Morland arranges a marriage between his meek son Robert and spirited Eleanor, young ward of the influential Beaufort family. Eleanor is appalled at being forced to marry a mere ‘sheep farmer’; she is, besides, secretly in love with Richard, Duke of York. Yet in time this apparently ill-matched union becomes both passionate and tender, the foundation of the Morland ‘dynasty’, and sustains them through bloody civil war which so often divides families, sets neighbour against neighbour, and brings tragedy close to home.

Dynasty 2 – The Dark Rose – Begins: 1501 – Period: Henry VIII
Paul, great grandson of Eleanor Morland, has inherited the estate and has a son to follow him. But he fathers an illegitimate boy by his beloved mistress, and bitter jealousy between the half-brothers causes a destructive rift that leads to tragedy. Paul’s niece Nanette becomes maid-in-waiting to Anne Boleyn, and at the court of Henry VIII witnesses at first hand the events leading up to the rift with Rome, her mistress’s execution, and the further efforts of the sad, ailing king to secure the male succession.

Dynasty 3 – The Princeling – Begins: 1558 – Period: Elizabeth I, Mary Queen of Scots
Protestantism is sweeping the land and threatens the position of the Catholic Morlands, so they must seek new spheres of influence. John, the heir, rides north to the untamed Borderlands to wed the daughter of Black Will Percy, Northumberland cattle lord. But he finds he must first prove himself, and win her heart through blood and battle. John’s gentle sister Lettice is given in marriage to the ruthless Scottish baron, Lord Robert Hamilton, and in the treacherous court of Mary, Queen of Scots, she learns the fierce lessons of survival.

Dynasty 4 – The Oak Apple – Begins: 1630 – Period: Charles I, the Civil War
When civil war destroys the long years of peace in England, the clash between King and Parliament is echoed at Morland Place. Richard, the heir, brings home a Puritan bride, while his dashing brother Kit joins the Royalist cavalry under Prince Rupert, leaving their father, Edmund, desperately trying to steer a middle course. As the war grinds on, bitterness replaces early fervour and divisions grow deeper, and through it all Edmund struggles grimly to protect his inheritance and keep Morland Place intact.

Dynasty 5 – The Black Pearl – Begins: 1659 – Period: Charles II, James II
The bleak years of Cromwell’s Protectorate are drawing to a close. Civil war and its aftermath have left Morland Place in bad case, but with the return of the king, Ralph, the master, believes he can rebuild its fortunes. For his beautiful and ambitious cousin Annunciata it means a journey to London where, embroiled in the amours and intrigues of Charles’s Court, she makes her fortune and at last unlocks the secret of her past. A kinder age is dawning, but still uncertainty, conflict and sorrow await both Ralph and Annunciata before they can find peace and forgiveness.

Dynasty 6 – The Long Shadow – Begins: 1670 – Period: Charles II, James II
Morland Place has flourished under Ralph’s stewardship, while Annunciata is a great lady of the Court. Splendid futures seem to be promised for her children; but the religious rift opened by Henry VIII has never been fully healed, and conflict resurfaces at the accession of the Catholic James II. Frightening times ensue, when it is impossible to know who to trust. Annunciata herself is put on trial, while jealousy, betrayal and sudden death threaten her family. And in the shadow of revolution comes a new love to Annunciata, one that can only lead to tragedy.

Dynasty 7 – The Chevalier – Begins: 1689 – Period: William and Mary, Queen Anne, George I, the Old Pretender (1715 Rebellion)
Annunciata, fiercely loyal to the Stuart cause, follows King James II into exile, leaving her gentle grandson Matt to care for Morland Place. In her absence he contracts an unwise marriage with India Neville, a woman as heartless as she is beautiful, who drives him between the extremes of passionate love and deep despair. When James III – the Chevalier – returns to claim the Stuart throne, the Morlands are reunited in one country. The rebellion fails, and Annuniciata’s sons are on trial for their lives, but defeat and even death itself cannot conquer the Morland sprit.

Dynasty 8 – The Maiden – Begins: 1720 – Period: George I, George II, the Young Pretender (Bonnie Prince Charlie, 1745 Rebellion)
Political intrigue is rife as the Stuart-Hanoverian struggle continues. Jemmy, heir to Morland Place, contracts a dutiful marriage to the chilly Lady Mary in order to secure Hanoverian protection and safeguard his inheritance. Morland lives are riven by the ’45 rebellion and the bloody massacre at Culloden, and at their lowest point, their fortunes rest in the small hands of Jemmy’s daughter Jemima. Intelligent and single-minded, Jemima proves a capable caretaker of the Morland heritage, and although Morland Place and its lands suffer from the excesses of her dissolute husband, her quiet courage earns her an abiding love and loyalty.

Dynasty 9 – The Flood Tide – Begins: 1772 – Period: George III, American War of Independence, Enclosures
England is peaceful under George III, and Morland Place flourishes under the careful tending of Jemima and her loyal husband Allen. Their seven children often bring them heartache, but they are sustained by their love for each other and their absorbing interest in improving the estate lands. But beyond England’s shores things are not so calm. Morland cousins find themselves embroiled in the American war for independence, and the family’s bastard offshoot, Henri, disports himself in the salons of Paris while outside revolution creeps closer.

Dynasty 10 – The Tangled Thread – Begins: 1788 – Period: The French Revolution; beginning of Industrial Revolution
In France, as the revolution begins, Henri, the bastard offshoot of the Morland family, strives to protect his family. He binds his daughter Heloise in loveless marriage to a Revolutionary, and allies himself with the vigorous Danton. But in the bloodbath of the Terror and the fall of Danton, Henri goes to the guillotine and Heloise flees to England where she is welcomed warmly by the Morland family. In Yorkshire Jemima’s troublesome brood cause her anxiety – especially her youngest, Lucy, who disguises herself as a boy and runs away to sea – but at last she sees three of her children marry and the hope of an heir to Morland Place.

Dynasty 11 – The Emperor– Begins: 1795 – Period: Rise of Napoleon
The shadow of Napoleon is falling across Europe, and a restlessness seems to be changing mores and loosening society’s restraints. At Morland Place James’s marriage to Mary Ann is falling apart; Lucy’s to Chetwyn is in the balance as she embarks on a blatant affair with a sea officer; and William supports a mistress he cannot marry. Mary goes to sea with her husband Captain Haworth and is caught up in the battle of the Nile; and as war becomes inevitable, Lucy knows she must say goodbye to her love as every fighting captain waits eagerly for his commission.

Dynasty 12 – The Victory – Begins: 1803 – Period: The Regency; Beau Brummell; Industrial Revolution; Battle of Trafalgar
Lucy’s lover Weston, and Mary’s husband Haworth, are both sea-officers involved with the naval blockade. James’s wife, Mary Ann, sees for herself the grim realities of life in the slums of plague-torn Manchester. And while Lucy enjoys the frivolities of Regency London, her neglected husband Chetwyn seeks comfort in a quarter which will bring him disgrace and ruin.

Dynasty 13 – The Regency – Begins: 1807 – Period: the Napoleonic Wars; the Peninsular Campaign; the Industrial Revolution
As armies march and counter-march across Europe, Lucy, trying to rebuild her life after the death of Captain Weston, receives an unexpected and disturbing offer of marriage from an army officer. James and Heloise are happy at Morland Place, except for the hostility of James’s daughter and heiress Fanny towards her stepmother. Fanny is eager to inherit more than just Morland Place, and visits her maternal grandfather in Manchester in the hope of persuading him to leave her his cotton mills. But for all her hard-headedness, she falls in love with the dashing but unscrupulous Lieutenant Hawker, and her determination to marry him threatens disaster.

Dynasty 14 – The Campaigners – Begins: 1815 – Period: the campaign of the 100 Days and the Battle of Waterloo
Napoleon’s escape from Elba has convulsed Europe. The Allied Army is gathered in Flanders, and where the Army is, the fashionable world must follow. So Lucy and Heloise both take their daughters to Brussels for the most exhilarating Season ever. Romance flourishes in the warlike atmosphere. Rosamund must finally come to terms with her feelings for her cousin Marcus; Sophie meets an enigmatic French major who may change her future; and Heloise renews acquaintance with a former suitor. The looming shadow of battle only makes the dancers whirl more feverishly, but when the army marches out to face the might of the French at Waterloo, one question is in every heart: which of them will not come back?

Dynasty 15 – The Reckoning – Begins: 1816 – Period: Post war slump; Chartism; Pentrich Revolution; industrial progress
Napoleon has been defeated at last, but victory brings no peace to England. The cost of war has been devastating. Inflation rages, bankruptcies multiply, and many of the ruined flee to the continent, including that symbol of the age just past, Beau Brummell. Discharged soldiers swell the ranks of the unemployed, wages tumble and the bread price soars. It is a tinderbox which takes only a spark to flame into riot. James and Heloise stand guard over Morland Place, but a tragic accident takes the one person they depend on. A devastating scandal brings the Morland name into the glare of public notoriety with a trial in the House of Lords. And Sophie and Rosamund each have to learn the difference between real love and its enticing but dangerous illusion.

Dynasty 17 – The Poison Tree – Begins: 1831 – Period: William IV; 1832 Reform Act; the railway pioneers
As England emerges from the post-war depression, the country is changing, and the birth-pangs of a new age bring it to the brink of revolution. Violent times breed violent acts. Sophie’s life is shattered by a hideous crime. Morland Place falls into chaos as Heloise removes her hand from the reins. Benedict is forced to leave home and makes a life among the railway pioneers, leaving Nicholas free to indulge the dark side of his nature. And amongst them all stalks the deadly invisible threat of cholera.

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