Download The Moon Clearing by Tania Elizabeth (.ePUB)(.MOBI)

The Moon Clearing by Tania Elizabeth (The Tier of Eternal Grace #1)
Requirements: .ePUB .MOBI Reader | 741 kb
Overview: ‘She lives of Heart through Battles of Mind’
It was a place of peaceful enchantment. It was a place of all you could dream.
“I have existed always! Where I began I do not know, for all I know is just as I am today!”
As Queen of Eterna Fadas, Tatiana was thought to have lived a life of opulence. Her faith and beliefs were her endearing essence. So why then was it so that beneath the picture of perfection laid torments and terrors even she dare not explain.
Being She came with its prices paid. Being She came with a deal; a contract in which she was to relinquish herself to a rogue of unmerciful fury. A fury of whom she believed she could save. A fury who would settle for nothing less.
Would this be the end of all she ever know? Would this be the end of her existence?
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy


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