Download The Moment by Rae Stone (.ePUB)

The Moment by Rae Stone (As Above Book 1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 418 kb
Overview: If wishes were bottled and I could be spared just one, it would be that this moment never end.

Rex Thompson is living the life of his dreams, touring the world, and fronting a famous rock band with his brothers by his side.

He thought his life was complete, but that illusion washes away when a beautiful seductress in a little black number slips off her blindfold and rocks the foundation of everything he’s ever known.

Aria Scarlett is a shy computer geek by day, and a hopeful fashion designer by night. She’s happy with the life she has, and is content to sit back and watch her sisters reach for their dreams.

That is, until, a certain tatted rockstar crooks a finger in her direction and demands more attention than she’s willing to commit.

From the moment they meet, Rex and Aria are a whirlwind of lust, love, and the potential for devastating loss. They’re a driving force toward each other, but is Rex’s fame too much for them to overcome?
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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