Download The Modern Machiavelli by Anonymous Executive (.ePUB)

The Modern Machiavelli: Playing Office Politics to Win by Anonymous Executive
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 311 KB
Overview: Many people claim that office politics is a waste of time. That success comes from doing your job. That talent rises by itself.
These people are, to put it gently, losers.
If you want to succeed, if you want to grow your career beyond entry level, then you need to play the game of office politics.
And you need to play it to win.
Luckily, this book is here to help you out. There is no discussion of morality, no introspection as to whether office politics is really necessary in the modern workplace. Instead we focus on clear, rational advice so that you can achieve your goals via influencing others.
This book is divided into multiple chapters, each of which covers a different aspect of developing and using your political skills.
Genre: Non-Fiction > General


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