Download The Matt Preston Series by Paul Shadinger (.ePUB)(AZW3)

The Matt Preston Series by Paul Shadinger (Books 1, 2)
Requirements: .ePUB/.AZW3 Reader | 1.6Mb | Version: Retail
Overview: Paul lives in North Fort Myers Florida with his wife and their three beautiful American Cocker Spaniels (Max, Bean and Samantha) whom are better known as "The Kids". Born and raised in Seattle and now transplanted to Florida, in addition to writing, Paul keeps busy learning to ballroom dance and working on an HO scale train layout.
Genre: Mystery Thriller

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Book 1 – Houseboat
When Matt Preston plays poker with the guys, all bets are off. When the owner of the houseboat he won gets murdered, Matt’s checkered military past puts the target on him. Walking a thin line through Seattle between the cops, a beautiful stranger, the girl next door and a hidden enemy, Matt has to wonder if he should have taken that bet…

Book 2 – Code Name: Crescent
Once again Matt Preston’s poker buddy taps him for his connections to solve a problem. Follow him through the labyrinth of his classified military service, roller coaster love life and a search for a missing daughter. Matt thought he had dealt with the problems from his past only to have them come back to haunt him again. He wonders if he needs to start thinking twice about attending poker night as the various parts of his clandestine past life and his present life collide to bring another wild ride and fascinating tale.

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