Download The Man I Never Met: A Memoir by Adam Schefter + (.ePUB)

The Man I Never Met: A Memoir by Adam Schefter, Michael Rosenberg
Requirements: ePUB Reader 2.3 MB
Overview: A powerful true story of loss and hope by one of the biggest names in sports media.
On September 11, 2001, Joe Maio went to work in the north tower of the World Trade Center. He never returned, leaving behind a wife, Sharri, and 15-month old son, Devon. Five years later, Sharri remarried, and Devon welcomed a new dad into his life.
For thousands, the whole country really, 9/11 is a day of grief. For Adam and Sharri Maio Schefter and their family it’s not just a day of grief, but also hope. This is a story of 9/11, but it’s also the story of 9/12 and all the days after. Life moved on. Pieces were picked up. New dreams were dreamed. The Schefters are the embodiment of that.
Genre: Non-Fiction – Biographies


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