Download The Making of a Mistress by Kim Knight (.PDF)

The Making of a Mistress by Kim Knight
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Overview: ‘A naked young woman was kneeling on the bed, her hands on her head and chains looped around her wrists. Those chains stretched down towards a tight clamp on each nipple that were being painfully stretched upwards. A slightly older woman was standing by the bed, a whip held loosely in her hand, ready to deliver another blow to the red buttocks before her. The two women stared at Claudia, as surprised to see her as she was to see the tableau before her. It was Leigh who spoke first, lowering the whip to toss it onto the bed behind Phoebe.’
Kim’s latest novel traces the rise of Faith through the sm community to a position of unparalleled power – and then her fall.
In a graphic history of injustice and dark peril, Faith’s strength of character propels her onwards in a quest for Claudia, the woman she loves. In her way are dominant men and beautiful submissives who struggle to control her or who want to be controlled by her.
Kim has woven her most compelling story yet, hardly a page goes by without a scene of high eroticism.
Genre: Fiction > Erotic


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