Download The Magi Saga Series by Andrew Dobell (.ePUB)

The Magi Saga Series by Andrew Dobell (1-2)
Requirements: ePUB Reader | 681 KB
Overview: Andrew Dobell, a storyteller based in Surrey in the UK.
I’ve written stories since I was a teenager, including running numerous Role Playing Games through the years. As I started a family and gaming became something I didn’t have time for any more, I knew i wanted to do something with the characters that I had created. My first book, Epic Calling in the The Magi Saga series is a direct result of wanting to keep telling those stories.
Genre: Fantasy | Thriller | Science Fiction

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1/ Epic Calling
Amanda-Jane Page is just a normal girl struggling to make a life on the streets of New York when a 12 foot tall Demon who wants her dead drags her down an alleyway. Unintentionally calling on Magic she didn’t know existed to survive, she discovers she has the potential to be a Magi, someone with the power to use Magic, and is drawn into their hidden civil war.
Meanwhile, Amanda’s link to an ancient Magical Artefact discovered in the Egyptian Desert draws her into a race to control its power. Amanda and her new friends must stop the dangerous and powerful dark Magi, led from the shadows by the mysterious Witch Yasmin, from possessing it.
But Amanda must learn the ways of Magic and become a Magi to stand a chance against Yasmin and the forces arrayed against her. If the Artefact fell into the wrong hands, it could change the war and mean victory for the forces of darkness in this gripping Urban Fantasy Thriller.

2/ Shadows of Darkness
What do you do when a psychopathic death Mage rules the city you consider home?
Amanda left New York to train as a Magi under her tutor Gentle Water two years ago and ended up in a race against the Dark Magus Yasmin to possess an ancient artifact, but now she’s desperate to return home to the city she loves.
However, the powerful Magus Lucian and his coven of Dark Magi control New York. A crime lord, drug runner and murderous psychopath, any Magi trespassing on Lucian’s territory is killed without mercy, quickly and violently.
Amanda must find the courage to stand up for herself, to stand against the darkness and to stand up for what is right and good in this world. She needs to have unwavering confidence in her new abilities as a Magus if she’s to have any chance against the self-styled King of New York, because if she doesn’t, even with help from an unlikely ally, her life and the lives of her closest friends are in grave danger.
This is the second thrilling book of The Magi Saga written by Andrew Dobell.

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