Download The Mage with the Dragon Magic (#1-4) by Irfan Mirza (.ePUB)(.AZW3)

The Mage with the Dragon Magic (#1-4 & Bundle) by Irfan Mirza
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 2.54 MB
Overview: Irfan Mirza, a short story author and novelist, gained his Master in Business Administration and worked as a finance analyst, until he left the constraints of his 9 to 5 job to work freelance in his chosen field.

With his new found independence, Irfan began to explore the world, fuelled by his passion for travel he was inspired to write by the forests, mountains and shores he visited.

Irfan’s passion for writing, and an interest in mythology, led him to begin writing fiction in December 2015, and he released the first two books from his best-selling series, The Mage with the Dragon Magic, in 2016.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy > Magic > Shapeshifters > Dragons

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The Mage with the Dragon Magic (The Mage with the Dragon Magic Series #1):
When Taro, a young orphaned mage, attempts to heal a stranger in the middle of a storm, his life is changed forever when he begins to tamper with foreign magic known only to most fierce and dangerous creatures of all: dragons.

The Mage with the Dragon Magic (The Mage with the Dragon Magic Series #2):
Taro is still trying to come to terms with his new role of dragon king. His coronation was but a few short days ago, and yet the man is given no time to rest. After being plagued by a strange dream, he wakes up to find that a shadow has fallen over the horizon. There’s a beast of the worst sort moving towards them, and fast.
It quickly becomes apparent that this is not a creature the humans nor the dragons can face down on their own. Taro’s only hope is to unite these two groups, who have been warring with each other for countless years.

The Mage with the Dragon Magic (The Mage with the Dragon Magic Series #3):
A rising conflict puts Taro’s young reign to the test. As an unknown enemy lays siege to the civilized lands of humans and dragons alike, he must turn to an unlikely ally for aid. The secret to winning the war and saving the world lies in the identity of a shadowy figure driving the attack. However, in order to do so Taro must face his greatest fears. For only in an ancient magic can he pierce the veil hiding their threat but can he do so before everything he loves is destroyed?

The Mage with the Dragon Magic (The Mage with the Dragon Magic Series #4):
A desperate gamble takes Taro, Elandra and Jahdin on a mission to end the fighting once and for all. The armies gather for a final battle, holding the griffin army at bay while their king defies the mastermind behind the attack. But not all is as it seems and when the would be saviors meet their foe, each of them is plunged into the most insidious conflict of their lives.
Faced with wild odds and ceaseless enemies, Taro must find a way to turn the tide and save his people but can his power end something so evil, so hungry for revenge?

The Mage with the Dragon Magic 4 Book Bundle (The Mage with the Dragon Magic Series #1-4):
Contains all above 4 books.

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