Download The Mackintoshes and McLarens srs by Suzan Tisdale (.ePUB)

The Mackintoshes and McLarens Series by Suzan Tisdale (#2, #4)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader | 555 KB, 606 KB
Overview: Suzan lives in the Midwest with her verra handsome carpenter husband, the last of their four children. Their youngest, a 6’3", 15-year-old boy is eating them out of house and home. Monetary donations are currently being accepted in order to feed their built-like-a-linebacker son and keep him in shoes.
Suzan has been writing since childhood but until recently, she had never shared anything she had written with anyone. Writing was the easy part. But the thought of sharing what she had written caused her lower intestines to seize, brought forth heart palpitations and cold sweats. But she woke up one morning and realized she was on the other side of forty and had her ‘ah ha!" moment. She didn’t want to wake up on the other side of 60 or 70 and wonder "what if?" It has been a whirlwind journey ever since!
Genre: Romance, Historical

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Book #2 – The Bowie Bride
Alec Bowie never wanted a wife. He never wanted a hearth and home. And he most assuredly never wanted to be chief of his clan. But much to his vexation, he finds himself in possession of all three.
His desire for peace and to protect his clan are stronger than his desire to remain free and untethered. He agrees to the marriage in the hopes his wife will bed him only long enough get with child then leave him the bloody hell alone.
Leona MacDowall — or Leona ‘Odd Eyes’, Leona the Witch, or Leona ‘The Devil’s Spawn’ depending on to whom you speak — is all too happy to volunteer to marry the Bowie Chief. Though the clan Bowie’s reputation as murderers and thieves precedes them, she believes life with Alec more palatable than living the rest of her life untouched, unmarried, and under the hateful rule of her spiteful father.
But nothing turns out the way they expect. Alec doesn’t know if he can keep to his original plan of leaving his wife alone after he gets her with child. Leona is beginning to suspect she might not get the happy home she’s always wanted. And worst of all, someone’s set on murdering Leona — and might just succeed before anyone’s dreams can come true.

Book #4 – Brogan’s Promise
Whisky made her forget. One man’s love will help her remember.
He could have walked away when he learned of his bride’s secret — that she is a raging alcoholic. But Brogan Mackintosh is not the kind of man to turn a blind eye to someone in need. He battled his own demons and won the fight against drink years before. Facing the challenges head on, like the battle hardened warrior he is, he is determined to help his new bride overcome the demons that haunt her. And he might even learn the truth surrounding the murders of her husband and infant son.
Mairghread Mactavish isn’t sure she can continue to breathe anymore without the aid of wine and whisky. Plunging herself into the dark abyss of drunkenness was the only place where she could catch glimpses, bits and pieces of her memory from the night her world was torn apart. When she learns the truth about the man she is to marry — a man who has murdered more than one wife and raped countless other women — she makes a desperate decision to marry Brogan Mackintosh instead. Brogan offers her more than a way out of marrying a murderer, however. He might be the only man who can give her back the life she once lived.

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