Download The Lost Prophet by Robert Storey (.ePUB)

The Lost Prophet by Robert Storey (Ancient Origins #6)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 1.2 MB
Overview: The newly elected president of the United States of America, John Harrison Henry, the first independent candidate to win a campaign since George Washington, is fighting to save his nation, and the entire world, from nefarious forces hell-bent on chaos and destruction. Many think John is a man apart, a man who stands alone, and yet there are those who fight to help him achieve the impossible. And while these brave few fight against the might of the Global Meteor Response Council that rules the world with an iron fist, in distant lands old forces shift and new powers rise, for word has it that something is coming which is going to change everything. It’s something we missed… and it’s almost here.
Genre: Sci-fi/Fantasy


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